7 FAQ by Organic Producer

What is Organic Food?
Organic food is food that is grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals. Organic crops are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides for at least three years prior to harvest. Cover crops, compost and other natural fertilizers are used for maintaining soil fertility; biological control and natural pesticides are used for pest control. Organic livestock production requires that animals are fed organic feed, have access to pasture or the outside, and prohibits the use of antibiotics and hormones.

Types of Organic Products
Organic products are all kinds of agricultural product that meets certification requirements under states department of agriculture such USDA in US. It includes foods ranging from fresh produces, meat, poultry, eggs, bakery products, and beverages including juices and milk to processed foods. It also includes cotton, fiber, and flowers. Personal care products such as cosmetic, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies may be certified if it meets OASIS and USDA standards.

What has to be certified?
Production, handling and livestock operations that are intended to be sold, labeled or represented as organic, 100% organic or made with organic ingredients.  

Do I need to be certified?
If you plan to sell organic products, yes. Certified organic means that an independent third party has verified that the organic standards have been met. Utah state law requires that products making organic claims must be from certified organic sources.  

How do I qualify to become an organic producer?
The land shall have no prohibited substances applied to it for a period of three years immediately preceding the harvest of the crop. Can pesticides/fertilizers be used in organic crop production. Yes, provided that they are in the list of allowed substances in organic production and handling.  

Where do organic standards come from?
To prevent the confusion of all 50 states developing separate organic standards, the differences of which could be significant, as well as international standards that must be considered, The USDA has been involved with a movement to establish a set of national organic standards. This has become critical to clarify the meaning of organic for everyone involved. With national standards, organic producers across the country can follow the same guidelines and meet universal standards. Individual states are then required to adopt these national standards as a minimum for their own laws, and may become accredited with the USDA to be certifiers of organic programs. If they choose, states are free to adopt stricter standards if they perceive a need.

Do I need to apply every year?
Organic certification is an annual procedure. An application and fee will need to be submitted to UDAF every year.  

What is Organic feed?
Organic livestock standards require that animals be raised on organic feed. Organic feed is produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for at least three years prior to harvest. Organic feed can have some feed additives such as vitamins, minerals, and probiotics added to it as long as they are listed in the approved list of organic substances.

If you have more questions, please contact the Organic Program at the Department of Agriculture and Food in your country.

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